Thursday, August 23, 2018

Дядя Витя, oncle Vitya

The second day was thought, going up and sweating in the cold fog.
I did not need to sweat to get wet, as the fog was so dense that even under the rain coat I was wet.
I’ve met few people on the road, orthodox believers from Kazakhstan, they’d invited me to share a lunch, and the first question was: Are you a beliver?
Yes I’m in fact. But it’s very difficult to talk about.
I just keep it to my self.

After the orthodox believers I’ve met other believers and everyone is ready to swear in his knowledge of what we call God.
I’ve met few people going down, escaping the ugly wet fog and the really bad road, everyone had a different information to my questions: Is there any cabin or yurts up there?
Some sad yes, others sad, there is nothing up there...
Not really encouraging, but I persisted I kept cycling up.
I had food I had shelter, what else...
After a small climb of 500m I saw one house and few horses, than another house, I’ve asked and I found shelter, a dry and warm shelter.
Oncle Vitya lives up there all year long, winter time by him self (with dogs, chickens, gooses)
I’ve spend 2 nights up there, and did really enjoy my stay.

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