Monday, August 27, 2018

Karakol Ashuu mountain pass

After the Kegeti mountain pass I slept down the road, in a valley at 2900 meters.
I woke up in the morning hearing two bikers going up to Kegeti, I thought: Good luck to them crossing over from the southern side. If the motorcycle slides down there is no stopping, and the sound made from engines could eventually displace rocks... From above or below.

For breakfast I had no time to prepare as the night before so I ate cookies and dry apricots, and left down the road to what I guess is called "Karakol river valley".
(Confusing part about Karakol) There is a river called Karakol, and there is a mountain pass at 3450 meters called Karakol Ashuu pass. But is far from the village on the east side of lake Yssik-Kul called Karakol (actually nothing to do with it).

The landscape did open up in a huge valley, as far as you could see, the immense view was flooded with gentle mountain sides, intersecting each other into the green valley bed, where thousands of animals scattered in the landscape grazed, where shepherds were on duty on there horses, and yurts and cabins as little spots where every evening life was centered on.
No tourists except for a French family of 4. They stopped and we shared the stories: He came from France by bicycle, wife and two girls joined him by airplane, for this last country he visited by bicycle. A magical experience. And I’ve told him, that he has merited the Kyrgyzs view more than me, (I just flew in to easy).

The weather was playing tricks all day long, and the more I was climbing, the colder it was.
So... Back to 3000 meters and keep climbing. I thought that will be easier.
I forgot that I had for breakfast only dry apricots and cookies, and I did not eat much that day except for more dry apricots.
3300 meters I felt really low in mental energy and physical.
I really had to push hard, and I did not want to setup camp at night as the day before

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